Tuesday, June 7, 2011

1960-1969 Phillies Want List

1961 Topps #433
1963 Topps #13
1964 Topps Stand-Ups
1965 Topps Embossed #36
1968 Topps #225

I don't know what's more fun - compiling these wantlists or daydreaming about the possibility of some kind soul e-mailing me out of the blue to let me know he's been looking for a great home for his shoebox full of vintage, oddball Phillies cards and he'd like me to have them.

1960 Armour Coins
- Conley
1960 Bazooka - 24 Ashburn, 26 Roberts
1960 Fleer - 53 Foxx, 57 Evers
1960 Leaf - 80 Mason, 91 Hopke, 104 Woods, 111 Walls, 125 Anderson, 137 Meyer, 143 Dalrymple
1960 Nu-Card Baseball Hi-Lites - 44 Roberts
1960 Topps Tattoos - Ashburn, Roberts, Phillies Logo, Ashburn Auto

1961 Bazooka - Herrera
1961 Fleer Baseball Greats - 112 Hamilton
1961 Topps Stamps - Farrell, Taylor, Walls

1962 Salada Coins - 105 Covington, 112 Mahaffey, 122 Herrera, 129 Buzhardt, 135 C. Smith, 141 Dalrymple, 163 Amaro, 170 Demeter, 176 B. Smith, 204 Callison
1962 Topps Baseball Bucks - Demeter, Mahaffey, Taylor
1962 Topps Stamps - Baldschun, Demeter, Taylor

1963 Bazooka - 15 Callison, 35 Mahaffey
1963 Salada Coins - 26 Callison

1964 Bazooka - 15 Callison
1964 Philadelphia Bulletin Photos - Need All
1964 Topps Coins - 69 Baldschun, 93 Bunning
1964 Topps Stand-Ups - Baldschun, Culp, Gonzalez, Roebuck
1964 Topps Stamps - Baldschun, Callison, Culp, Gonzalez, Taylor
1964 Topps Tattoos - Callison, Culp, Phillies Logo
1964 Wheaties Stamps - Bunning

1965 Bazooka
- 2 Jackson, 15 Callison, 21 Bunning
1965 Old London Coins - Allen, Bunning
1965 Topps Transfers - Allen, Bunning

1966 Bazooka - 4 Allen, 12 Callison, 23 White, 31 Bunning
1966 Topps Rub-Offs - Allen, Bunning, Stuart, Phillies Pennant

1967 Bazooka - 4 Allen, 12 Callison, 23 White, 31 Bunning
1967 Phillies Safe Driving - 4 Mauch, 6 Callison, 10 White, 11 Dalrymple, 12 Briggs, 15 Allen, 25 Gonzalez, 41 Short, 46 Jackson

1968 Bazooka - Allen, Gonzalez, White
1968 Topps Posters - Allen

1969 Topps Stamps - Allen, Briggs, Taylor, Wise
1969 Topps Super - 53 Allen, 54 Short, 55 Rojas
1969 Transogram - Callison


Anonymous said...

You must have just a killer collection of Phils cards. You could spend days going through them I bet.

night owl said...

Wait, let me check ...




... Nope, nothing. Sorry.


Jim said...

Days . . . weeks . . . months . . . nothing like opening up a good binder of Phillies baseball cards. I'm debating taking the Zistle plunge to try to better organize the whole collection.

Night Owl - Thanks for checking! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, can't help you with this want list either. In fact, I don't have very many oddball items from the '60s at all. It's pretty much just the Topps issues, Post cards, the '63 Fleer and '60 Leaf for me.

Jim from Downingtown said...


Although I didn't have any duplicate 1969 stamps, I realized tonight that I have duplicates of the 1968 Allen and Gonzalez playing cards. I have the complete set in my 1968 binder, and the 2 Phillies dups in my 1960-69 Phillies binder.

You can have them - send me an email.

Steve F. said...

Have you ever seen how much 1966 card #591 (Grant Jackson and Bart Shirley rookie) goes for on eBay? It's insane! It must be a real, real short print! (It's on my want list too, but not for $80 to $125!)

Jim said...

I had never noticed that before. But . . . I just checked and the cheapest one on eBay is going for over $50!

Why is that?