1960 Armour Coins - Conley
1960 Bazooka - 24 Ashburn, 26 Roberts
1960 Fleer - 53 Foxx, 57 Evers
1960 Leaf - 80 Mason, 91 Hopke, 104 Woods, 111 Walls, 125 Anderson, 137 Meyer, 143 Dalrymple
1960 Nu-Card Baseball Hi-Lites - 44 Roberts
1960 Topps Tattoos - Ashburn, Roberts, Phillies Logo, Ashburn Auto
1961 Bazooka - Herrera
1961 Fleer Baseball Greats - 112 Hamilton
1961 Topps Stamps - Farrell, Taylor, Walls
1962 Salada Coins - 105 Covington, 112 Mahaffey, 122 Herrera, 129 Buzhardt, 135 C. Smith, 141 Dalrymple, 163 Amaro, 170 Demeter, 176 B. Smith, 204 Callison
1962 Topps Baseball Bucks - Demeter, Mahaffey, Taylor
1962 Topps Stamps - Baldschun, Demeter, Taylor
1963 Bazooka - 15 Callison, 35 Mahaffey
1963 Salada Coins - 26 Callison
1964 Bazooka - 15 Callison
1964 Philadelphia Bulletin Photos - Need All
1964 Topps Coins - 69 Baldschun, 93 Bunning
1964 Topps Stand-Ups - Baldschun, Culp, Gonzalez, Roebuck
1964 Topps Stamps - Baldschun, Callison, Culp, Gonzalez, Taylor
1964 Topps Tattoos - Callison, Culp, Phillies Logo
1964 Wheaties Stamps - Bunning
1965 Bazooka - 2 Jackson, 15 Callison, 21 Bunning
1965 Old London Coins - Allen, Bunning
1965 Topps Transfers - Allen, Bunning
1966 Bazooka - 4 Allen, 12 Callison, 23 White, 31 Bunning
1966 Topps Rub-Offs - Allen, Bunning, Stuart, Phillies Pennant
1967 Bazooka - 4 Allen, 12 Callison, 23 White, 31 Bunning
1967 Phillies Safe Driving - 4 Mauch, 6 Callison, 10 White, 11 Dalrymple, 12 Briggs, 15 Allen, 25 Gonzalez, 41 Short, 46 Jackson
1968 Bazooka - Allen, Gonzalez, White
1968 Topps Posters - Allen
1969 Topps Stamps - Allen, Briggs, Taylor, Wise
1969 Topps Super - 53 Allen, 54 Short, 55 Rojas
1969 Transogram - Callison
You must have just a killer collection of Phils cards. You could spend days going through them I bet.
Wait, let me check ...
... Nope, nothing. Sorry.
Days . . . weeks . . . months . . . nothing like opening up a good binder of Phillies baseball cards. I'm debating taking the Zistle plunge to try to better organize the whole collection.
Night Owl - Thanks for checking! :)
Sorry, can't help you with this want list either. In fact, I don't have very many oddball items from the '60s at all. It's pretty much just the Topps issues, Post cards, the '63 Fleer and '60 Leaf for me.
Although I didn't have any duplicate 1969 stamps, I realized tonight that I have duplicates of the 1968 Allen and Gonzalez playing cards. I have the complete set in my 1968 binder, and the 2 Phillies dups in my 1960-69 Phillies binder.
You can have them - send me an email.
Have you ever seen how much 1966 card #591 (Grant Jackson and Bart Shirley rookie) goes for on eBay? It's insane! It must be a real, real short print! (It's on my want list too, but not for $80 to $125!)
I had never noticed that before. But . . . I just checked and the cheapest one on eBay is going for over $50!
Why is that?
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