Tuesday, November 10, 2020

1971 Philadelphia Phillies Photo Cards

Number of Cards:
Card Size:  3 1/4" x 5 1/2"
Description:  As was the case with all Phillies photo cards issued throughout the 1970s, these cards feature a black and white photo with the players' name below.  All photo cards contain a blue facsimile autograph.  A lot of the photos used here are repeats from the 1970 team-issued set.  The backs of the photo cards are blank and there's no indication on the cards themselves that they're from 1971.

How Distributed:  The cards were handed out to fans individually and supplied to the players in order to reply to fan mail or honor autograph requests.  I could be wrong, but I don't believe the cards were ever available in complete set form.

Complete Standard Checklist (Unnumbered, presented here alphabetically): 
1. Larry Bowa
2. Darrell Brandon
3. Byron Browne
4. Jim Bunning
5. Bill Champion
6. Denny Doyle
7. Doc Edwards CO        
8. Roger Freed
9. Woodie Fryman
10. Oscar Gamble  
11. Terry Harmon
12. Larry Hisle
13. Joe Hoerner
14. Deron Johnson
15. Pete Koegel 
16. Barry Lersch
17. Joe Lis
18. Frank Lucchesi MG        
19. Greg Luzinski
20. Tim McCarver
21. Don Money
22. Willie Montanez

23. Bob Pfeil
24. Ken Reynolds
25. Mike Ryan
26. Dick Selma
27. Chris Short
28. Ron Stone
29. Tony Taylor
30. John Vukovich
31. Billy Wilson
32. Rick Wise

One and Only Phillies Baseball Card (1):  Pfeil
First Appearance in Phillies Team Issued Set (5):  Brandon, Freed, Koegel, Montanez, Vukovich
Returning Players in Phillies Team Issued Set (24):  Bowa, Browne, Bunning, Champion, Doyle, Fryman, Gamble, Harmon, Hisle, Hoerner, Johnson, Lersch, Lis, Luzinski, McCarver, Money, Reynolds, Ryan, Selma, Short, Stone, Taylor, Wilson, Wise

Manager (1):  Lucchesi
Coach (1):  Edwards

  The entire 25-man opening day roster received photo cards with the exception of John Briggs, who was traded to the Brewers on April 22nd.  Also receiving cards were Bobby Pfeil, Bill Wilson and a trio of Phillies prospects - Oscar Gamble, Greg Luzinski and John Vukovich.

Omissions:  Briggs is a notable omission, but see below for the possible existence of a Briggs photo card in the Variations/Rarities section.  Other than Briggs, only four players appeared with the Phillies and did not receive a card in this set - Lowell Palmer, who pitched in only 3 games, along with September call-ups Mike Anderson, Wayne Twitchell and Manny Muniz.  Once again, that's a fairly comprehensive checklist.

Variations/Rarities:  The checklist found at The Trading Card Database lists two cards for Larry Bowa, with each card having a slightly different autograph placement.  I'm not necessarily interested in these types of variations, but I'll list it here for completeness sake.  One version features Bowa's autograph parallel to the bottom border of the photo, while the other version features his signature dipping down to the right.  The same checklist omits the Doc Edwards and Pete Koegel cards, which I've added based on a a comment from fellow collector Rick left on the original post for this set.

Finally, fellow collector Steve notes his checklist for the set contains four additional cards.  The existence of these cards would make sense, as it seems odd the Phillies would create a card for coach Doc Edwards but not the other three coaches.  As noted above, Briggs isn't included in the standard checklist, while the player the Phillies acquired from the Brewers for him (Koegel) did get a photo card.
Autograph Variation          
1. Larry Bowa

Potential Rarities?
1. John Briggs
2. Billy DeMars CO
3. George Myatt CO
4. Ray Rippelmeyer CO

Also See:  1971 Arco Phillies
Resources:  The Trading Card Database; Steve F. and Rick G.

This set was originally featured in a post back in December 2014, and I'm going to slowly go through these team-issued set posts and update them with new information learned (if any) over the past six years.

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