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Saturday, June 17, 2023

1989 Tastykake Philadelphia Phillies Photo Cards

Number of Cards:  46
Number of Cards (SGA Version):  32
Card Size:  4 1/8" x 6"

Description:  The Phillies came up with this card design . . . and then took the next six years off.  The 1989 to 1995 team issued sets are all identical in design, containing the player's, coach's or manager's name in a red band with white text.  The card backs feature biographical information along with complete career statistics.  This set is notable as it's the last set (to date) to be sponsored by Tastykake.

How Distributed:  A 32-card set was given away to all fans on May 13, 1989 at Veterans Stadium and a 37-card set was available for sale at the ballpark throughout the season.  Both sets contain identical photos, but the 32-card giveaway set cards feature a darker tint and are not as vibrant as their 37-card counterparts.  The 32-card sets can be found in uncut sheets and thanks to fellow collector Rick, I added these cards to my collection via an eBay auction.  As (I believe) the 37-card set is more prevalent, I've listed the stadium giveaway 32-card set (and its variations) under the Variations/Rarities section below.

Given the ton of roster moves made by the club in the first half of the season, a nine-card update set was issued and available for purchase at souvenir stands throughout the Vet.  This was the second year in a row that a nine-card update set was released.  Of the nine players in the set, Jim Adduci made his debut the latest, on July 3rd, so this set would have been first available for sale in mid to late July.

Complete Standard Checklist (Unnumbered, presented here alphabetically with uniform number and position from the back of cards): 

1. Header / Sponsor Card
2. Steve Bedrosian (#40 - RHP)
3. Larry Bowa (#2 - CO)
4. Don Carman (#42 - LHP)
5. Darren Daulton (#10 - C)
6. Bob Dernier (#22 - OF)
7. Curt Ford (#24 - OF)
8. Todd Frohwirth (#52 - RHP)
9. Greg Harris (#33 - RHP)
10. Von Hayes (#9 - OF-1B)
11. Tom Herr (#28 - 2B)
12. Ken Howell (#43 - RHP)
13. Chris James (#26 - OF-3B)

14. Steve Jeltz (#30 - SS)
15. Ron Jones (#26 - OF)
16. Ricky Jordan (#17 - 1B)
17. Darold Knowles (#3 - CO)
18. Steve Lake (#25 - C)
19. Nick Leyva (#16 - MG)
20. Mike Maddux (#44 - RHP)
21. Alex Madrid (#34 - RHP)
22. Larry McWilliams (#46 - LHP)
23. Denis Menke (#4 - CO)
24. Dwayne Murphy (#6 - OF)
25. Tom Nieto (#19 - C)

26. Randy O'Neal (#27 - RHP)
27. Steve Ontiveros (#41 - RHP)
28. Jeff Parrett (#49 - RHP)
29. Bruce Ruffin (#47 - LHP)
30. Mark Ryal (#31 - OF)
31. Mike Ryan (#5 - CO)
32. Juan Samuel (#8 - OF)
33. Mike Schmidt (#20 - 3B)
34. Tony Taylor (#12 - CO)
35. Dickie Thon (#21 - SS)
36. John Vukovich (#7 - CO)
37. Floyd Youmans (#15 - RHP)

Complete Update Checklist (Unnumbered, presented here alphabetically with uniform number and position from the front of cards):
1. Jim Adduci (#18 - INF)
2. Eric Bullock (#35 - OF)     
3. Dennis Cook (#39 - LHP)
4. Lenny Dykstra (#4 - OF)
5. Charlie Hayes (#8 - 3B)
6. John Kruk (#11 - OF-1B)    
7. Roger McDowell (#13 - RHP)
8. Terry Mulholland (#45 - LHP)
9. Randy Ready (#23 - 3B)

One and Only Phillies Baseball Card (5):  Adduci, Bullock, Nieto, O'Neal, Ryal
First Appearance in Phillies Team Issued Set (18):  Cook, Dykstra, Ford, C. Hayes, Herr, Howell, Kruk, Lake, Madrid, McDowell, McWilliams, Mulholland, Murphy, Ontiveros, Parrett, Ready, Thon, Youmans
Returning Players in Phillies Team Issued Set (15):  Bedrosian, Carman, Daulton, Dernier, Frohwirth, Harris, V. Hayes, James, Jeltz, Jones, Jordan, Maddux, Ruffin, Samuel, Schmidt

This is the only set featuring Phillies baseball cards of the five players listed in the One and Only One category.  The First Appearance designation is for players who have never before appeared on a Phillies team issued set.  These players may have already appeared on other Phillies baseball cards.

Manager (1):  Leyva
Coaches (6):  Bowa, Knowles, Menke, Ryan, Taylor, Vukovich
Other Cards (1):  Header / sponsor card

Surprises:  The 37-card set includes the entire 25-man opening day roster, the manager and all six coaches, Juan Samuel and Tom Nieto, who both began the season on the disabled list, and three players who started the year in the minors but who would eventually spend time with the Phillies - Todd Frohwirth, Alex Madrid and Randy O'Neal.  There aren't really any surprises here, and it's a fairly inclusive checklists.

The Chris James card is an uncorrected error.  James wore #18 in 1989, but the back of the card lists his uniform as #26.  James had switched from #26 mid-way through the 1988 season and Ron Jones wore #26 in 1989.

Omissions:  47 players appeared with the Phillies in 1989.  Only 10 of them didn't have cards in the original 37-card set or the 9-card update set.  Bob Sebra, Gordon Dillard and Marvin Freeman all briefly appeared on the roster and weren't considered for either set.  Neither were any of the seven September call-ups - Tom Barrett, Pat Combs, Chuck McElroy, Keith Miller, Steve Stanicek, Al Pardo and Jason Grimsley.

Variations/Rarities:  The 32-card stadium giveaway set omitted the following five cards - the Header/sponsor card and the cards for four players - Nieto, Jones, O'Neal and Madrid.  Both O'Neal and Madrid were on the 24-man roster on the giveaway day, as was Dillard who was around for all of two weeks.  It's a shame, but completely understandable, that Dillard didn't somehow make it into the SGA set.  

In addition to these omissions, this set contains the following name placement variations, as well as being darker in tone as mentioned above.
  • Don Carman, name is bottom center (instead of bottom left)
  • Todd Frohwirth, name is more to the right (instead of centered)
  • Ken Howell, name is bottom center (instead of bottom left)
  • Steve Ontiveros, name is top center (instead of top right)
  • Bruce Ruffin, name is top center (instead of bottom left)
  • Mike Ryan CO, name is top center (instead of top left)
  • Floyd Youmans, name is bottom right (instead of bottom left)
Unless you're a Phillies team issued set or Bruce Ruffin super collector (and why wouldn't you be?) there's really no need to add these cards to your collection.

Resources:  14,000; Phillies collector Rick (@rickphils)

This set was originally featured in a post back in October 2014, and I'm going through these older team-issued set posts to update them with new information learned (if any) over the past nine years.

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