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Monday, January 2, 2012

1971 Topps Set - 13 More Down, Just 213 To Go

1971 Topps #618 and #100
I've long neglected my quest for a complete 1971 Topps set.  After pledging to spend more time collecting this set in 2011, I had added exactly zero cards to my collection as of this past Christmas Eve.  I didn't attend any baseball card shows this past year, which was the biggest reason for this oversight.  It was a difficult year, and I'd probably have to go back to the early 1980's to find the last year I hadn't attended any shows at all.

Luckily for me, the 1971 Topps drought ended when my Mom added 13 cards to my set via the "Santa Brings Way Too Many Awesome Cards to Jim" haul this past Christmas.  Included in the haul were the cards of future Phillie teammates Pete Rose and Tug McGraw.  Joining Charlie Hustle and Tugger were 11 other cards of stars or semi-stars hand selected from my wantlist by my Mom.  (She explained to me that she went after names she recognized.)

I really do need to pay more attention to this set in 2012, and one of my more frivolous New Year's resolutions (along with going to more movies) is to attend a baseball card show at some point in the new year.

* * *

In a bit of blogger serendipity, Night Owl recently launched his new 1971 Topps blog.  Check it out and tell him Jim sent you.

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