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Vintage Phillies Team Sets

Thursday, November 3, 2011

2005 Chachi #10 Todd Pratt

I recently uploaded the entire 63-card 2005 Chachi set, the inaugural issue, to its own publicly viewable Picassa Web Album.  (I think this is changing soon to Google Pictures or something of that nature, but I'm not sure.)  To date, I've only posted 19 of the cards from this set to The Phillies Room - 20 now if you count this Todd Pratt card - and I wanted to show off the entire set in all its multi-colored, 1975 glory.

This set represented my first venture into making my own baseball cards.  I resisted the recent urge to get all George Lucas on some of the cards and tweak a few of the obvious imperfections, and what you see in the linked album is the set I created one dark and stormy night six years ago.

At the time, there wasn't a vast library of current on-line images available for the team's players, and I had to rely on scanning yearbook pages or re-using photos from 2004 and 2005 baseball cards.  The cards with a black and white background, for example, are photos straight from the 2005 Phillies Yearbook.  There are a few players featured in their Triple-A Red Barons' uniforms (Danny Sandoval and Clay Condrey) and there a few really crappy cards of guys in their old uniforms (Aquilino Lopez and Michael Tucker).  The Lopez card has always particularly irked me, since it not only features him as a Rockie, but it's a lousy picture to boot.  I'll still occasionally do a Google Images search for "Aquilino Lopez Phillies," to no avail.

I'm going to upload the complete Chachi sets from 2006 through 2008 in the not too distant future.  The 2009 through 2011 (to date) Chachi sets are already featured in their entirety and can be accessed through the Chachi Sets page.

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