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Friday, January 14, 2011

2010 Upper Deck #561 Citizens Bank Park

January is my least favorite month.  My work schedule picks up and I find that days go by without me spending more than a few minutes outside.  I leave for work in the dark and I drive home in the dark.  This week, my daily commute has taken me on Interstate 95 past Citizens Bank Park twice a day.

As I drove home tonight, an optimistic thought crossed my mind as I passed by the ballpark onto the ramp taking me to the Walt Whitman Bridge:  It's almost spring.  In a few short months, the Phillies will be back and the ballpark will come alive with the sights and sounds of baseball.

I can't wait.


  1. I feel the same way every night coming home from work on the subway and seeing Yankee Stadium. Baseball cannot come soon enough!

  2. Something else to look forward to: Ben attending his first Phils game!

  3. Plus this season they are going to be so fun to watch...I cannot wait either.

  4. I think everyone is just counting the seconds!
