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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

2010 Chachi Special Edition #MS Mike Schmidt

A year ago tonight, I started this blog with an auspicious debut post stating, "Welcome to The Phillies Room blog! That's right, I'm blogging. Bloggity blog blog." I like to think it's been all uphill from there.

I've always had an outlet to chronicle my passion, my hobby of following the Phillies and collecting their baseball cards. Whether it was pictures I would draw as a youngster, or scrapbooks I'd compile during my formidable years, or even baseball cards I'd create to show off to my wife and family members - I always had an outlet. Last year, the launch of a blog seemed like the natural next step in this progression.

I had a few informal rules in mind as I started the blog, and I'd like to think I've stuck to them:

1. Feature a Phillies baseball card in every post.
2. Write about what I know and what I care about, and don't weigh in on topics where I don't have all the facts or I'm simply ambivalent.
3. There's no obligation for a routine or a deadline or even a daily posting. If a day or a few days are missed, so be it. Never apologize for this.
4. Don't complain or whine.
5. Have fun. Baseball is a great game and this is a fun hobby. As soon as blogging becomes burdensome or annoying, the whole point is lost. Besides, baseball cards and burdensome belong no where near each other in the same conversation.
6. Become the predominant source on the internet for random past and present anecdotes about the Phillies, coupled with homemade baseball cards named after a very special dog, who in turn was named after Arthur Fonzarelli's favorite cousin.

Along the way, I've met some wonderful fellow-bloggers, baseball fans and baseball card collectors. I've traded baseball cards for the first time since I was in elementary school. I've been able to ask my Dad the daily question, "Have you seen the blog yet?" and it's allowed us to reminisce about collecting the '56s or the '75s or going to the Ocean City baseball card shows. It's been fun, and I'll keep it up as long as it continues to be fun. Here's to Year 2 of The Phillies Room and I sincerely thank you for reading.