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Saturday, October 31, 2009

1993 Triple Play #129 Equipment

Starting this evening and throughout the first week of November, The Phillies Room will be temporarily closed for routine equipment maintenance and systems upgrades. Although the timing of this closure is questionable and somewhat regrettable, it is nevertheless unavoidable. We will be taking copious notes throughout the remainder of the World Series and our regularly scheduled postings will return next weekend. Rest assured, dear readers and fellow bloggers, 2009 Chachi World Series cards will be produced and shared upon our return.

In the interim, and as part of our ongoing effort to share Phillies baseball cards with the blogosphere, our IT department will be posting a single baseball card at the conclusion of each World Series game. The baseball card posted will reflect the outcome of the game and, by extension, my mood following each game. When the Phillies win, one of my favorite Phillies cards from my collection will appear. In the unlikely event of a Phillies loss, the woeful occurrence will be shamed with one of my least favorite Phillies cards.

Finally, the 2010 Chachi poll (see sidebar) is nearing its close. If you haven’t voted already, please consider voicing your opinion on this important decision.

Go Phils!

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