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Monday, March 30, 2009

2009 Chachi Special Edition #MS Mike Schmidt

For the past several years, I've created my own Phillies cards. The major card companies no longer produce cards for players like Eric Bruntlett or Clay Condrey, so I took matters into my own hands.

I call my cards "Chachi" in honor of my dog Chachi. Just like you should never call Fleer cards "Fleers," you should never call Chachi cards "Chachis".

At left is a 2009 Chachi card produced for Mike Schmidt, now a special instructor for the Phils during Spring Training. Also pictured is Mike's 1980 Topps card (#270), which was used as the template for the 2009 Chachi set.


  1. Rheal Cormier is also worthy of a Chachi card.

  2. Agreed. Perhaps I'll work on that . . .

  3. Pets are a great inspiration for baseball card names! I'm in the same boat. My wife and I affectionately refer to our dog Minny as "Goose." Thus, walking the dog is referred to as a "Goose Walk" (and now a "Goose Joak")

  4. Dave - I'm sure Goose is as honored as Chachi to be the namesake of a card set!

  5. I love the Chachi cards. I never liked the 1980 set, until now. Maybe it is because your pictures are brighter and crisper.
    Either way, awesome idea.

  6. I use to go to Shibe Park with my dad when I was young. I'll keep checking in to see if you pay tribute to Tony Taylor, Chris Short, Clay Dalrymple, Johnny Callison, Jim Bunning, etc

  7. NYBBNUT - It's definitely safe to say each of the players you mentioned will be featured at some point. In fact, I think I'll cover TT tonight . . .

  8. Great cards--keep up the good work! :)

  9. What program did you use to make these cards? They are great!

  10. DF - I'm currently using an old version of MicroSoft Picture It Publishing. There aren't a lot of bells and whistles, but it's just enough for what I need it for. I tried figuring out some of the professional graphics tools, but they hurt my brain. I'm enjoying following the '80 Topps set on your blog.

  11. Where's the checklist! :)

    These are nice cards - the Harry Kalas one is a nice touch.

  12. Jim from Downingtown - I have a post coming up in the next week or so featuring a very special checklist. Stay tuned . . .
